Monday, September 12, 2011

City Forces You to Pay for Their Forced Annexation Campaign

Both sides of the Monkey Junction annexation debate are scrambling to get information to residents and business owners as the deadline to scuttle the city’s land grab approaches. ("Land grab," good wording.)

The city of Wilmington has sent residents a public information report outlining the difference between living inside and outside the city limits and is preparing material for commercial owners in the area laying out fee costs as well as an increase in services.

[...] City Manager Sterling Cheatham said the city decided to send out information packets because it had been awhile since officials had put information out.
The city should not be forcing citizens who disapprove of forced annexation to pay for this mailing.  Who came up with this idea?  If there are actual people who support forced annexation (although that's hard to understand), let them make their case by going door-to-door and using their own materials just like the opponents of forced annexation are doing.

It's absurd that someone who doesn't support forced annexation should be forced to pay for this.

It's also ridiculous to say that these mailers were just sent out because it's "been a while" since they had put anything out.  Give me a break.  This is a clear ploy to influence people to their position.  But you know what?  If they actually care about their position, and they actually have passion, they should go put their own sweat and money on the line, just like the opponents are doing, and go door-to-door themselves.  Is that too much to ask?

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