Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Ridiculousness of Forced Annexation

Residents of neighborhoods proposed to be annexed into Southport packed city hall Tuesday evening to hear information about the plan and to express their frustration with the whole process.

They weren't pleased to learn the mayor and aldermen did not attend the meeting on advice of their attorney.
Can you believe this?  In what country does this happen?

According to consultants, the biggest potential cost to the city would be $3.8 million to extend sewer service to Area A (Smithville Woods) and $3.2 million for Area B (the remaining property), but financing the total project would involve greater expense. Aldermen could vote to pay for only part of the sewer lines, charging fees to residents in the annexed areas for the rest.

Frank Popelars suggested the "return on investment" in spending $16 million to extend services over 10 years and receiving $2.8 million in tax and fee revenue wasn't a great deal for the town.
Well, if the city doesn't extend any services, it doesn't cost them anything. That's exactly what happened in Wilmington.

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